Infant Program

Ages 6 weeks to 11 months



Little Einstein’s teachers spend a lot of time nurturing, cuddling and talking to your baby to instill trust.  They provide a safe and healthy early learning environment that encourages movement, exploration and communications. Our infant room is filled will interactive toys and brightly colored books to help your baby develop at his or her own pace.  Teachers sing songs and read stories to encourage language acquisition.  They will play games with sensory balls and large blocks to encourage motor skills

Teachers work with the parents to develop the child’s daily schedule including feeding time and nap times.

Daily Schedule

(flexible based on the feeding and sleeping schedule of each infant.)

7:00-8:30  -  Arrival/Floor Play/ Morning Feeding and Changing
8:30-9:00  -  Tummy Time
9:00-10:00  -  Floor Play with Friends/ Art/ Feed and change diapers as needed
10:00-10:30  -  Outside Play/Exploration/Buggy Ride(Small Area)
10:30-11:30  -  Floor Play with Friends/ Art/ Feed and change diapers as needed
11:30-12:00  -  Exploring with action/reaction toys and rattles
12:00-2:00  -  Naptime/Feed and change diapers as needed
2:00-2:30  -  Outside Play/Exploration/Buggy Ride (Small Area)
2:30-4:00  -  Floor Play with Friends/ Feed and change diapers as needed
4:00-6:00  -  Floor Play with Friends/Dismissal